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Plaster, 18" x 6" x 8," study for Armenian Genocide Memorial

In 2019, I began portraits of two young Armenian girls, Anahit and Arevik. Many days I transported my sculpting stand and tools to the girls’ homes where they would sit, and fidget, while I attempted, with high hopes, to capture their incredible faces in clay. Then the pandemic arrived, the girls grew older and I got sidetracked. It was only in the spring of 2023 that I uncovered the clay and revived my efforts, this time with some frustration and worry, to complete them. These busts are studies for a larger genocide memorial that I am planning (view clay maquette).

Armenian woman kneeling beside a dead child in a field.

An Armenian woman kneeling beside a dead child in a field outside of Aleppo, 1915. (Wikipedia).

Anahit was selected for the Jane B. Armstrong Memorial Award Award at the 91st Annual Awards Exhibition of the National Sculpture Society, Brookgreen Gardens, South Carolina and the Linda Lastoff Memorial Award at the 5th Annual Northeast Fine Arts Exhibition, Ware, Massachusetts.

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